Junior Contacts

For all Junior coaching matters, please contact Adam Ward, OCHC Director of Junior Hockey at ochcdirjuniors@gmail.com

OCHC Juniors Committee members

The Juniors committee meets monthly and is responsible for overseeing the Juniors section of the club. If you aren’t sure who to contact, in the first instance please email ochcjuniors@gmail.com

Position Name Email/Phone
Chairman Toby Yonge tobyyonge29@hotmail.com 07946 539067
Treasurer Ed Thompson ochctreasurer@gmail.com
Welfare Officer Matt Close ochcwelfare@gmail.com
OCHC Director of Junior Hockey Adam Ward ochcdirjuniors@gmail.com
Coaches and Parent Rep Liaison Jon East ochcjuniorsliaison@gmail.com
Membership Secretary & Communications Sarah McKay ochcjuniors@gmail.com
Fixtures Secretary Nick Aston ochcfixtures@gmail.com
Boys Section Lead Chris Tong


October 31, 2023