Photography and Video

OCHC Photography and Video Policy

The following Policy applies to the whole of the Old Cranleighan Hockey Club (OCHC) and its aim is to provide a safe environment for all our members. For the purpose of this policy the use of the word ‘image’ includes all photographic and recorded images.

OCHC is committed to ensuring that all necessary steps are taken to protect young people from the inappropriate or uniformed use of their images in resources and media publications, on the internet and elsewhere. We support the view of England Hockey that positive images of young people enjoying hockey are essential to promote the sport, a healthy lifestyle and that parents / guardians want to celebrate the achievements of their children through photographs and recorded images.

Our obligations under this policy mean everyone within OCHC must act in accordance with the general principles in England Hockey’s Safeguarding and Protecting Young People Policy and the principles set out in this policy for taking and using photographic and recorded images of young people.

Please note that our electronic membership form, via LoveAdmin, includes a permission section for photography and video to ensure that OCHC has the consent of all of Junior members parents / guardians to use their image unless they have specifically opted out.

Everyone within OCHC should have an understanding of the issues relating to taking and using photographic and video images of young people and England Hockey’s policy on this. In line with England Hockey guidance:

  • We obtain written permission from parents / guardians for the taking and using of images as part of the Junior membership sign up process. This is recorded in LoveAdmin.
  • Every effort will be taken to never publish any photos of those players that do not consent. These photos may be taken at any one of our 3 playing locations (Old Cranleighan Club, Thames Ditton, Manor Road (Hinchley Wood) or Oaken Lane) or at away fixtures.
  • Where a Junior player’s image is used, we will avoid naming the player and never use a surname.
  • Where a Junior player’s name is used, we will avoid using the player’s image.
  • We will never publish personal details of a player.
  • We will never link images to any personal webpage or social media.
  • We will only take and use images of players in suitable dress.
  • Images will never be taken in changing rooms / areas.
  • We will focus on the activity rather than a particular young person and where possible, we will use images of a wide range of players taking part in hockey.
  • We will ensure images reflect positive values of young people’s involvement in hockey.

We are supportive of players using hockey participation in their PE GCSE. We ask any parent / guardian filming a hockey fixture for PE GCSE material to advise the OCHC coach and opposition coach before the start of the fixture. This material must be used as intended and not published on social media.

OCHC will only take images that will be used to support our coaches to develop of our players, celebrate achievements, accompany match reports and included in publicity for the Club. These will be taken in line with this policy.

All images for OCHC will only be taken by an authorised club representative i.e. they are a parent / guardian or club member, or are affiliated to OCHC and have been DBS checked. Members and parents / guardians of Junior members should be aware that these representatives may take images at hockey events.

Third parties, excluding Club members, may only take images of OCHC members with the consent of all members captured in advance. Images taken must adhere with the OCHC Photography and Video Policy. If you are not a member of OCHC and wish to take images please request consent by contacting the Club Captain or the team captains directly to register your details. OCHC reserves the right to challenge and report anyone taking unauthorised or inappropriate images and may request anyone to refrain to from doing so.

Please Note: In the age of mobile phone cameras, it is impossible to stop all photography or recorded images but Club representatives will do their best to monitor image taking and may question individuals where their use appears to be inappropriate.

Official images will be stored securely by OCHC Club representatives. We will request that images no longer required are deleted regularly. However as images are aimed at capturing a moment in time and used to record the history of the club they will not be deleted from social media, newsletters or the website.

Advice for Captains and Coaches

OCHC has responsibility to prevent unauthorised images of young people. As individuals responsible for their team members, and as representatives of the OCHC, OCHC Captains (on match day) or Coaches (for training) should:

  • Where an official OCHC photographer or videographer is present – request the consent of the opposition captain / any visitors from another club to take images of their team members. The opposition should identify any members that do not consent. They should then make the OCHC photographer aware so that they can ensure they do not appear in any images published. The official photographer should be clearly identified e.g. a high visibility bib.
  • Where a third party that is not an OCHC representative is taking photos or recording images:
    • Ask the individual who they are and why they are taking images without having registered.
    • They may be a parent / guardian of a player, who are taking images for their own use, in which case, the representative may be happy that these images pose no risk to members.
    • Request them to refrain from taking images or leave if they believe this is necessary.
    • Any concerns should be reported to the OCHC Welfare

Any breach of the guidance above, either deliberate or accidental, must be reported to the Club Captain or Welfare Officer without delay.

In the event of any dispute in the understanding of the guidance above, the Club Captain reserves the right to make the final determination.

OCHC Executive Committee

June 2020

June 4, 2024